Your experimental data matters: how can you protect it all, throughout its entire lifecycle, wherever it is?

In the world of scientific research and drug discovery, the protection of experimental data is of utmost importance. This blog post explains the crucial importance of safeguarding this data against cyber threats and breaches. Discover key strategies and best practices for ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your experimental data.

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Valentin BeuchillotComment
Empowering digital transformation at L'Oréal with Discngine Assay cloud solution

Digital technologies are reshaping the landscape of discovery and innovation. L’Oréal has been leading the charge in embracing digital transformation and data-driven processes. Collaborating with Discngine, they've successfully migrated multiple of their scientific software applications to the cloud, enhancing research and innovation. Join us as we hear from project leaders Ludwig Baux and Diane Genest about their journey of migrating the screening assay data management software at L’Oréal.

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BIOVIA Pipeline Pilot in Docker – Good or Bad Idea? Discngine’s journey of containerizing Pipeline Pilot in Docker

In this article, we take a look back and explain how containerizing BIOVIA Pipeline Pilot in Docker allowed us to transform our deployment strategy and develop our new Discngine Cloud Infrastructure.

We are sharing the story of our journey through containerization, from building our first images to performing non-regression tests and release into production.

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How Sanofi scientists streamlined their in silico hazard assessment of potential genotoxic impurities by collaborating with Discngine

Sanofi assesses over 1000 potentially mutagenic or genotoxic impurities per year. Until recently, these assessments used to imply a lot of manual operations from its scientists. Alexander Amberg, Head of in silico toxicology, and Alain Grelier, Digital product owner, shared how we collaborated to drastically streamline the in silico hazard assessment of these impurities.

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How to prettify Oracle Cloud Infrastructure notifications with Microsoft Power Automate?

Oracle Notification Subscription is a powerful cloud-native tool to export your Oracle Topics outside the OCI console. But receiving a notification in the raw JSON format is not really User Friendly!

This post shows how we went from Slack Oracle Notification Subscriptions with a raw JSON sent in a Slack channel to a well-formatted slack message in a few clicks, using Microsoft Power Automate.

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