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Discngine Meetup Vol. 2

  • Discngine 79 Avenue Ledru-Rollin Paris, Île-de-France, 75012 France (map)

The 2022 event's theme is "Data-Driven DMTA cycle: How to ensure high-quality data to increase the efficiency of the Design-Make-Test-Analyze processes?
Our speakers from the industry will highlight the importance of good data for drug discovery and development in the big data era, challenges for its acquisition and management and share steps they take to overcome them.

The three-hour agenda consists of scientific talks and roundtable discussions with scientists and industry experts divided into two tracks:

Focus on Design-Make part of the DMTA cycle:

This is a great opportunity for everyone interested to learn and exchange on the reliability and validity of the computational models (like AI/ML) that drive the hypothesis and decision-making in the design and make stages of the DMTA, as well as to share opinions on how well are high-quality tools integrated into the IT ecosystem and how has the role of experts in early drug discovery changed in the big data era.

Focus on the Test-Analyze part of the DMTA cycle:

This track offers thoughtful presentations and discussions about the value of data for life science R&D and the FAIR data principles focusing on the lab in-vitro data; all this by diving into the challenges and opportunities of each principle from the practical and theoretical side.

The talks will be followed by our partners’ poster session and engaging virtual networking.