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TIBCO Spotfire Connector 3.1 released

We are pleased to announce the availability of the version 3.1 of the Discngine TIBCO Spotfire connector for Pipeline Pilot!

Improved Data Synchronization with Pipeline Pilot

A new method is available for a fast direct upload of Spotfire Data Tables into Pipeline Pilot server filesystem. It is using Pipeline Pilot Web Services API methods and uploads directly SBDF files (Spotfire native binary format) into any folder of the Pipeline Pilot server.

Web Panel width setting

A Long-awaited feature, administrators can now define the width and position of the Discngine Web Panel when launching the extension from the tools menu. Check installation guide for more information.

Iron Python Script Generator preview

If you would like to generate the Iron Python code required to create a Spotfire visualization from a click on a button contact us and try out the alpha version of this new extension.


Our solution evolved! Discover the latest version of the Discngine Connector here.