Two years later: a look back on our new recognition system

In 2020, Discngine, a self-managed organization (See our page Join us or read this article), faced a new challenge. It had grown to a size where it was not possible anymore for our CEO to carry alone all the "classical" annual salary reviews. In other words:

  • What was possible with 15 people was no longer possible with 60, given the time required.

  • The CEO was no longer working with everyone daily and thus could no longer evaluate all contributions properly.

That is when we decided to set up a new system, more scalable and more reflective of our company culture.

A team of Discngine employees was assembled with the mission to design a salary re-evaluation process that:

  • can be done by peers

  • is reflective of our values of trust, transparency, and continuous improvement (#kaizen)

  • makes the employee an actor and responsible for his own salary evaluation

It's been two years now since Discngine implemented the new recognition system, and it's time for us to look back on it.

Discover the project, the results, and employee's experience on our partner website, Altman Partners.